Del 11-06-2015 al 12-06-2015
Auditori Poblenou
Organitzat per Center for Brain and Cognition
Barcelona, June 11-12, 2015 The Center for Brain and Cognition at Universitat Pompeu Fabra is pleased to announce a Workshop on Second Language processing to be held in Barcelona in June 2015. The goal of the workshop is to foster discussion about several issues related to second language acquisition and processing. There is no registration fee.
The number of participants is limited to 60, and registration before May 15th is mandatory.
Organizing Committee. Albert Costa & Nuria Sebastian
Llegir més
jun '15
09:00 Data d'inici
20:00 Data de finalització
Jon Andoni Dunabeitia, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Xavier Alario, Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université
Peter Indefrey, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Narly Golestani, Université Genève
Andrea Weber, Department of English, University of Tubingen (Germany)
Rob Hartsuiker, University of Ghent
Ruth de Diego, profesora de investigación ICREA en Universitat de Barcelona
Jean_Remy Hochmann, CNRS
Kristof Strijkers, CNRS - Universite Aix-Marseille
María Teresa Bajo, Universidad de Granada y Jaén
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