Del 22-10-2014 al 27-04-2016
Campus del Poblenou. c/Roc Boronat,138. 08018 Barcelona
Organitzat per Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada
All the lecturers on the course are members of of IULA's IULATERM research group. IULATERM is a research group is part of the Research Plan for Catalonia, which has been recognised since 2000.
M.Teresa Cabré Ph.D. in Philosophy and Letters (Section: Filologia Romànica-Hispànica) from the University of Barcelona (1977) and has been a professor of Linguistics and Terminology at Pompeu Fabra University since 1994.
Heidi Cazes Graduate Diploma in Translation from El Colegio de Mexico and a Master’s in Terminology from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. US Federal Court certified interpreter and an ATA certified translator; works as a contractor with the US Department of Justice and the US Department of State as a translator and interpreter (court, liaison and conference) in addition to working as a freelancer. Her work in terminology focuses on terminography and in the relationship between theory and the practical work in terminology and translation.
Alba Coll Ph.D. in Linguistics Communication and Multilingual Mediation (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2013).
Iria da Cunha Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2008) and is a Juan de la Cierva research fellow at IULA and associate lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF.
Rosa Estopà Ph.D. in Linguisitcs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 1999). Is a full lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF.
Judit Freixa Ph.D. in Linguisitcs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2002). Is a full lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF.
Estela Lalanne de Servente Master Degree in Terminology (UPF), Sworn, literary, technical and scientific Translator, International Spanish Proofreader, Doctoral Research Fellow at the Universidad del Salvador, Full lecturer in Fundación Litterae, Argentina, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina and Universidad Ricardo Palma, Perú.
Elisabet Llopart IULA's scholarship holder and associate lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF.
Mercè Lorente PhD in Catalan Philology (University of Barcelona, 1994). Is a full lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences from UPF. Editor-in-chief of the journal Terminàlia.
M. Amor Montané Ph.D. in Linguisitcs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2012).
Natalia Seghezzi Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from UPF (2011). She is a translator and specialist in terminological variation and oral terminology.
Chelo Vargas Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting and PhD in Translation from University of Alicante (UA). Master’s Degree in Terminology from Institute for Applied Linguistics (IULA, Pompeu Fabra University). Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Studies at the University of Alicante.
Maria Teresa Cabré. Ph.D. in Philosophy and Letters (Section: Filologia Romànica-Hispànica) from the University of Barcelona (1977) and has been a professor of Linguistics and Terminology at Pompeu Fabra University since 1994, where she teaches terminology, morphology and linguistics. She has been a full member of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, the Catalan language academy, since 1989, where she edited the first edition (1995) of the Diccionari de la llengua catalana (DIEC). She is the President of the Academy of Catalan Language. She was responsible for launching TERMCAT, Catalonia's official terminology centre, in 1985, and acted as director until 1988. In 1993 she moved from the University of Barcelona to Pompeu Fabra University, where she founded the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IULA), which she directed from 1993 to 2004. Her main areas of research are terminology, neology, lexical morphology, lexicometry, discourse analysis and linguistic engineering. The driving force behind multiple research projects, she has supervised 40 doctoral theses. She runs the IULATERM group (lexicon and technology) and the Neology Observatory, both at UPF.
Her most important contribution to terminology is the creation of the Communicative Theory of Terminology, which is set out in La terminología: representación y comunicación. Elementos para una teoría de base comunicativa y otros artículos (1999) and in volume 9:2 (2003) of the journal Terminology. She is also author of the university guide Terminology. Theory, methods, and applications (1992), published in Spanish, Catalan, English and French.
A founding member of several terminology (RITERM, REALITER) and neology (NEOROC, NEOROM, ANTENAS, NEOXOC) networks, she is currently president of the Spanish Terminology Association (AETER) and the representative of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans in the Catalan Association for Terminology (SCATERM), where she is editor of the journal Terminàlia. She received the international Eugen Wüster Prize for terminology in 2007.
Rosa Estopà. Ph.D. in Linguisitcs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 1999). Is a full lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF. Specialist in terminology, neology and speech therapy. She has coordinated previous editions of this online Master's in Terminology at the IULA and its Spanish edition. She coordinates the NEOXOC Catalan language neology network and the NEOROC Spanish language neology network, and is currently the coordinator of the Neology Observatory (2004-2008, and since May 2012). She is the head researcher for the project Jugando a definir la ciencia (Playing with Scientific Definitions). Member of IULA's IULATERM research group.
Alba Coll. Ph.D. in Linguistics Communication and Multilingual Mediation (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2013). Member of IULA's IULATERM research group.
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