La inscripció ha finalitzat.
Del 09-07-2018 al 13-07-2018
Edifici Jaume I
Organitzat per Secretaria del Campus Júnior
Telèfon de contacte: 935422184
The main purpose is to discover the meaning and the history of some urban spaces that are not part of the main tourist route, and find to express our discovering through photography. This is a hands-on course, we will walk and visit the city and we will take pictures and analyse them.
This course is a brief introduction to the geographies of the city of Barcelona beyond the historical view and the cultural and artistic heritage. This course is also an exploration to the different “Barcelonas” that we could find in the city: people, neighbourhoods, spaces of work, and fun.
feb '18
08:00 Obertura d'inscripcions
jun '18
12:00 Tancament d'inscripcions
jul '18
09:30 Data d'inici
14:00 Data de finalització
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