Del 31-08-2015 al 11-09-2015
Auditori Poblenou
BCBT is an annual international summer school that promotes a shared systems-level understanding of the functional architecture of the brain and its possible emulation in artificial systems. BCBT addresses students and researchers involved in research at the interface between brains and technology such as in the ambit of “Bio-ICT convergence” "Brain Inspired ICT" and “cognitive systems and robotics”. BCBT2015 is organized and supported by the European project Convergence Science Network of Biomimetics and NeuroTechnology, CSNII.
Students will have the opportunity to attend lectures from prominent scientists in the field of brain research, neuroscience, artificial intelligent and related fields. Students will also attend tutorials and work on projects that will be presented at the end of the 2 weeks of the summer school.
Bank account Holder's name : Fundació Phonos Privada Bank name : Caixa de Pensions Address : Pl.Palau 2, 08003 Barcelona, Spain IBAN ES51 2100 3018 5922 0018 6108 BIC (SWIFT) CAIXESBBXXX
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La inscripció ha finalitzat.
mar '15
08:00 Obertura d'inscripcions
jul '15
18:00 Tancament d'inscripcions
ago '15
09:00 Data d'inici
set '15
14:00 Data de finalització
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