The registration has finished.
Del 08/01/2016 to 08/06/2016
Auditori Ciutadella
Dear colleagues: We are experiencing some difficulties with the Eventum application in order to register payments and confirmation of assistance to the events.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Welcome to the eventum page of the 28th International Congress of Papyrology! From this page you will be able to register for the Congress, to pay for the corresponding fee and to submit the abstract of your proposed paper for the consideration of the scientific committee.
In order to pay your fee:
1. Click on the "register" button above (in red, below the title of the Congress), then choose the applicable category for your fee and the number of persons you want to register. Bear in mind that the preferential fee will be available to participants until 28 February 2016, and that additional documentation will be required once you have registered as a student.
2. Click on the "next" button (bottom right of the page) and fill in your personal data and the registration form - and, if applicable, those of the other participants you have registered.
3. The "next" button will take you to the following page, where you will be asked for any accompanying persons you may wish to register with you.
4. Click again on the "next" button and check that all details are correct on the new screen. Then select the payment method. If you decide to pay by bank transfer, you can now click on the "finish" button, and you will be sent by email all the details to effect the payment. Remember that your registration will not be fully completed until receipt of payment.
5. If you decide to pay by credit card, please proceed to the following page by clicking on the "make payment" button. This action will take you to the Banco de Sabadell page, where you will be able to finish your payment by filling in your credit card details and you will receive confirmation of payment.
In order to submit your abstract:
1. Click on the “abstracts” button above. You will then be required to sign in in order to upload your document, please do so.
2. Once you have signed in, you will be taken to the upload page. Choose your paper track. In principle we have just defined documentary papyrology, literary/paraliterary papyrology, and technological issues, but papers will be arranged into more specific subjects according to the nature of the abstracts accepted. Fill in your paper title and give a brief description of it. Fill in your name (and the name of any co-authors by clicking on the “add author” button), and then upload your abstract.
3. Remember that abstracts are strictly limited to just one per participant, including shared contributions; they should not exceed 300 words and should be written in one of the four languages of the Congress: English, French, German or Italian. Because they will be published, we kindly ask you to have your abstract professionally proofread before submitting it, if you are not writing it in your own language
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23:00 Registration opens
22:00 Abstracts submission opening
00:00 Abstracts submission opening (Literary/Paraliterary papyrology)
00:00 Abstracts submission opening (Documentary papyrology)
00:00 Abstracts submission opening (Technological issues)
09:00 Abstracts submission opening (Poster presentation)
14:00 Abstracts submission closing (Poster presentation)
22:59 Abstracts submission closing
22:59 Abstracts acceptance
22:59 Abstracts acceptance (Literary/Paraliterary papyrology)
22:59 Abstracts acceptance (Poster presentation)
22:59 Abstracts acceptance (Technological issues)
22:59 Abstracts acceptance (Documentary papyrology)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Literary/Paraliterary papyrology)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Documentary papyrology)
23:59 Abstracts submission closing (Technological issues)
21:59 Registration closes
09:00 Starting date
12:00 Closing date
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