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About BCN
For the third year, and maybe into the future, the BCN theme concerns interdisciplinary interactions. The aim is to retain this PR conference’s key point of difference by concentrating attention on interdisciplinarity as essential to engaging with contemporary challenges and the organization of knowledge in general, and where possible, major research funds. We see this as core to both raising the status of PR in the academy and to increasing the quality and quantity of conversations with other disciplines. In our title, critical has two meanings: the first is to choose the vital intersections, and the second is to be socially critical.
Approaches considering either or both meanings will be considered for acceptance. This year’s theme looks to capture specific features that change in relation to geographical location and key moments. The aim is to flesh out a feature of this age whose major challenges cannot be met by silo thinking. Whether climate change, global finance, sustainability, or thinking critically about them, potential solutions lie in intersecting with others (e.g., collaborators, fields, technologies). Big questions remain: how can we do this effectively? How can PR show what it can do to other disciplines and how can PR learn from other disciplines? This conference offers a unique mix of traditional and new PR research and theory and seeks participants and papers from other fields to experiment with finding productive intersections.
With none of the usual disciplinary boundaries, we invite a wide range of contributions that reflect, and that reflect on, traditional concerns, current issues and projected trends in PR and strategic communication – however that is interpreted. We encourage participation on a spectrum of possible intersections, whether it be in content, methodology, pedagogy, technology, or futures. To start with PR, which PR intersection most appeals or most troubles you? What intersections are key for PR practices, teachings, and theories to engage now and into the future. For other fields, put your discipline in place of PR and ask the same questions. Proposals addressing – and even challenging – the overall theme are warmly invited. Conventional paper on any aspect of public relations will also be considered. Please feel free to contact the organisers directly if you wish to discuss the relevance of any proposal. We offer the following questions not as a definitive list, but as prompts for a spread of responses:
What is PR learning from historical intersections (e.g., PR and journalism in the early 20th century), from currently hot topics (e.g., AI, Big Data), and from futures thinking
Who leads in using digital disruptions and what can they teach PR?
How many disciplines – and which ones – offer promising lines of development for PR?
How has education intersected with PR in the past and how might it intersect in the future?
Does PR need to stay insular to survive?
We are particularly interested in panels around common topics that feature speakers from different fields.
If you are interested in participating, and seek an early response for funding, or planning, please send and abstract of between 250-300 words for an individual paper, and around a 1000 words for a panel of three or four speakers, as soon as possible to:
Organising committee:
David McKie School of Management and Marketing. The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240 (New Zealand) (64) 78384197 Email:
Jordi Xifra Department of Communication. Pompeu Fabra University Roc Boronat, 138. 08018 Barcelona (Spain) (34)935421484 Email:
VENUE Universitat Pompeu Fabra Facultat de Comunicació Roc Boronat, 138 08018 Barcelona (Spain)
Abstract submission: 22nd March 2019
Abstracts acceptance: 29th March 2019
00:00 Registration opens
09:00 Starting date
18:00 Closing date
18:00 Registration closes
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