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03/19/2019 09:00
Sala de graus Albert Calsamiglia
Contact phone: 935421772
The risks of compliance with regulations and irregularities cause financial damage and huge loss of reputation. Prevention must be accompanied by an internal system of premature detection. However, until a few years ago there has been a decline on the part of companies and administrations regarding the channeling of alerts and the protection of whistleblowers. The picture can change both nationally and internationally. In the Spanish case, the Anti-Corruption and Protection of Whistleblowers Act is in process, and at the European level, the European Commission publicized in the spring of this year - in particular on April 23, 2018 - the proposal of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of whistleblowers of corruption or fraud and violations of laws in the countries of the European Union. that should be discussed in a short time in the EuroCámara.Tal initiative must be framed in the fight against illegal activities (corruption, fraud, malpractice, negligence) both within public and private organizations. To do this, it establishes and normatively establishes a "legal statute of protection of the whistleblower" in order to increase the protection of workers. As is known, the complaint channel is part of compliance programs, which in turn have as their central purpose the prevention and detection of irregularities as well as bad practices contrary to compliance obligations. From this lack of compliance culture, responsibilities can be generated both for the offender and for the legal entity.
The changes that these rules will imply - especially the European Directive - for sports organizations will not be exactly minor. Thus, for example, it obliges private companies with more than 50 employees - or with an annual turnover of more than 10 million euros - to implement an internal complaints channel and a procedure to manage the communications and complaints received, set a deadline of 3 months to respond or resolve the incident.
This is the framework on which will revolve the interventions in the conference “ALERTADORES, CANALES DE DENUNCIA Y CULTURA DE CUMPLIMIENTO” in which experts will participate that will provide both the most theoretical and the most practical view of the need and management of alerts to through the complaint channels.
The program of the day includes the participation of experts who will analyze the issue from the normative and philosophical level, but also experts who: a) have been alerting and b) who are implementing complaint channels in public administrations and private companies. The audience of the conference will be both the professional of the legal profession who intends to be aware of the new legislation and intends to exercise compliance officer as companies and public administrations that are thinking of implementing such reporting channels. Given the professional nature of the day will be charged a registration fee of € 50.
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